W20 EU Update – Summer 2019

Find out here about W20 EU Delegation outreach activities in Summer 2019, including participation by Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, Head of the W20 EU Delegation, to the G7 France and UNESCO International Conference in Paris, where she had the honour of meeting Ms. Malala Yousufzai and Emanuel Macron, President of France.

5 July 2019 – G7 & UNESCO International Conference (Paris): On 5 July in Paris, in the attendance of Ms. Malala Yousufzai and French President Emanuel Macron, Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, Head of the W20 EU Delegation, joined a G7 and UNESCO international conference on the topic of “Innovating for Girls’ and Women’s Education.”

24 July 2019 – Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Ambassadors Meeting (Global): On 24 July,Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck joined a planning meeting of the Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Global Ambassadors for the 2019 Women’s Entrepreneurship Day celebrations.

12-13 August 2019 – IMAGINE: A Better World, a Non Profit Conference (Seattle): On 13-14 August in Seattle, Washington, Ms. Che Miller Van Dÿck, DLI Founding Director,  joined IMAGINE: A Better World, a global nonprofit conference hosted by Amazon Web Services, long-time supporters of the DLI mission promoting inclusive digital transformation.

29-31 August 2019 – World AI Conference (Shanghai): In Shanghai, China on 31 August, Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck gave a talk on “Challenges Facing the Future of AI” at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference.

W20 EU Delegation members are actively engaged in outreach activities with our stakeholders around the world that promote feminist EU civil society and the interests of the girls and women of the European Union, the G20 nations, and beyond.

For upcoming events of the W20 EU Delegation and our stakeholders, please visit here, and to browse past activities, please click here

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