W20 EU Update – Winter 2020

Find out here about W20 EU Delegation outreach activities in Winter 2020, including the WEgate Summit on women’s enterpreneurship at which Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, Head of the W20 EU Delegation, contributed to a Call to Action on technology entrepreneurship by women.
3 November – WEgate Community Council Meeting (Online): On 3 November, the WEgate project launched its Community Council with participation by Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck  as a member of the advisory organization supporting implementation of the WEgate project promoting women-led entrepreneurship in Europe.
30 November – WEP Board of Directors Meeting (Online)Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, Head of the W20 EU Delegation joined the quarterly Board of Directors meeting of the Women Entrepreneurship Platform, taking place on 30 November online.
10 December – WEgate Summit (Online): On 10 December, the WEgate project organised its first summit on “A New Vision for Women Entrepreneurs in Europe,” where Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, Head of the W20 EU Delegation, contributed to a “Call for Action” series on topics of EU policy, financial inclusion, and digital transformation priorities for women in entrepreneurship.

W20 EU Delegation members are actively engaged in outreach activities with our stakeholders around the world that promote feminist EU civil society and the interests of the girls and women of the European Union, the G20 nations, and beyond.

For upcoming events of the W20 EU Delegation and our stakeholders, please visit here, and to browse past activities, please click here.

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