W20 EU Update – Winter 2021

W20 EU Update – Winter 2021

Find out here about W20 EU Delegation outreach activities in Winter 2021, including official re-launch of the 2021 EU Delegation to the G20 Women20 which took pace at end-January. 27 January – EU Women20 Delegation Kickoff Meeting (Online): On 27 January, the EU Delegation of the Women20, women’s stakeholder engagement group to the G7/G20, kicked…

W20 EU Update – Winter 2020

W20 EU Update – Winter 2020

Find out here about W20 EU Delegation outreach activities in Winter 2020, including the WEgate Summit on women’s enterpreneurship at which Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, Head of the W20 EU Delegation, contributed to a Call to Action on technology entrepreneurship by women. 3 November – WEgate Community Council Meeting (Online): On 3 November, the WEgate…

W20 EU Update – Autumn 2020

W20 EU Update – Autumn 2020

Find out here about W20 EU Delegation outreach activities in Autumn 2020, including a high-level W20 Saudi Arabia 2020 panel on global best practices promoting women’s entrepreneurship to which Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck contributed as W20 EU Delegate and Digital Inclusion expert. 6 October – SHERPA Project Stakeholder Board Meeting (Online): On 6 October 2020,…

W20 EU Update – Summer 2020

W20 EU Update – Summer 2020

Find out here about W20 EU Delegation outreach activities in Summer 2020, including contribution of Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, W20 EU Delegate and W20 Saudi Arabia Digital Inclusion and Women’s Entrepreneurship expert, to the Chatham House Gender & Growth Forum and W20 Saudi Arabia 2020 expert round-table. 28 May – “Women Leading in the Digital…

W20 EU Supports World’s First #WomenVsCOVID19 Hackathon

W20 EU Supports World’s First #WomenVsCOVID19 Hackathon

On 24-26 April, as part of the #EUvsVirus event attracting 20,000 participants from around the world, the Digital Leadership Institute and its partners, including the W20 EU Delegation, hosted the first-ever global #WomenVsCovid19 hackathon tackling the unique challenges facing girls and women from COVID19 .  With 160 participants, ranging from 16 to 70 years of…

W20 EU Update – Spring 2020

W20 EU Update – Spring 2020

Find out here about W20 EU Delegation outreach activities planned for Spring 2020, some of which took place online as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. 22 January 2020 – Uber “Diversity & Inclusion in a Changing World of Work” Luncheon Roundtable (Brussels):  Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck joined a 22 January luncheon roundtable in…

Move It Forward for Women vs. COVID19

Move It Forward for Women vs. COVID19

Outcomes from this event are included in our 30 April 2020 post “World’s First Women versus COVID19-Hackathon“ The Digital Leadership Institute and its partners, including the W20 EU Delegation, are proud to announce a Move It Forward – female digital starters event for Women versus COVID19, taking place online on 24-26 April 2020 (all times CET, GMT+2),…

W20 EU Update – Winter 2019

W20 EU Update – Winter 2019

Find out here about W20 EU Delegation outreach activities in Winter 2019, including participation by Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, Head of the W20 EU Delegation, at UNGA celebrations for 10 Years of Financial Inclusion work by Queen Màxima of Holland, hosted by UN Secretary General António Guterres and attended by Melinda French Gates, Satya Nadella,…

W20 EU Update – Summer 2019

W20 EU Update – Summer 2019

Find out here about W20 EU Delegation outreach activities in Summer 2019, including participation by Cheryl Miller Van Dÿck, Head of the W20 EU Delegation, to the G7 France and UNESCO International Conference in Paris, where she had the honour of meeting Ms. Malala Yousufzai and Emanuel Macron, President of France. 5 July 2019 –…